Sunday, November 15, 2015

Favorite Anti- GOP Shareables! Remembering Who the Real Threat to the United States is. And it is Not Hillary!

^^^ Additional commentary required!

FYI: This is a working Blog! because, it seems to me, Democrats need to be reminded who the real threat to the United States is and it is not Hillary.

 Please use the direct links provided and share and remind others of who the real threat is AND of what the GOP stands for.

For your own information, my personal habit is to save favorites on my Desktop during the week for later sharing. I create a GOP memes folder and drop them into the folder and when I have a block of about 15 minutes of time I share them all directly from that folder to my preferred social medium platforms.

 ( * Today I am providing direct Google, Facebook and Twitter links on which you can click and share with your friends. To share on other platforms, etc. you’ll have to do the annoying thing and download and save and re-post... ) 

Take the Best; Leave the Rest. But push the truth about the GOP war on us!

^^^ Based on observation and research, I am of the mind that the center of President Obama's foreign policy is a fundamental drive to shift the United States from 20th Century War 1st Thinking to 21st Century Engagement 1st Thinking, to only engage militarily as a last resort ~ not so GOP, just listen to them in light of devastating attack in France...

I very, very rarely share this meme because it can feel exploitative to me but sometimes it is exactly what is called for. The GOP always chooses war 1st.

(Frankly, it would be great to have seen them get so hyped up over Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting or any similar attack at home. But. Nope!)

Courtesy of Miss Revolutionaries. You can share the meme on Twitter here 

^^^ The floodgates of hate seemed to have opened the day a black man was elected to the Office of the President of the United States and the hate just keeps on coming!

Courtesy of Occupy Democrats. You can share the meme on Facebook here

^^^ This is kind of fun, back to back celebs!

Courtesy of Occupy Democrats. You can share the meme on Facebook here

^^^ Professor Reich is  a nicer person than I am because I just saying: 3 GOP Lies corrected.

Courtesy of the Snarky Pundit. You can share the meme on Google + here 

^^^ The GOP will never, ever get it!

Courtesy of Occupy Democrats. You can share the meme on Facebook here

^^^ It's really not funny when it's true, but people have to know!

Courtesy of Occupy Democrats. You can share the Facebook meme here

^^^ True!

Courtesy of Miss Revolutionaries. You can share the meme on Facebook here

^^^ Those two speak for themselves you can share them here (Facebook) and here , (Twitter) respectively.

Carson, courtesy of Miss Revolutionaries ; Trump unknown. (If anyone has a name for the Trump creator please drop in into the comments section so I can give credit. TY!)

G., aka Partisan Democrat

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